Telegram has announced a series of updates aimed at enhancing user engagement and monetization opportunities for content creators and mini app developers. These new features include affiliate programs, AI-powered sticker search, and creative tools such as collages, according to Telegram.
Affiliate Programs Empower Creators
One of the most significant updates is the introduction of affiliate programs for mini apps. This initiative allows users and channels to earn Telegram Stars by participating in developer-launched affiliate programs. Users can explore available programs, select one, and share their unique referral links. When others use these links to access mini apps and make purchases with Telegram Stars, the referrer earns a commission.
Telegram emphasizes the transparency of these programs, offering publicly available terms that both influencers and audiences can verify. Developers can also create their own affiliate programs, specifying the percentage of future revenue they are willing to share and the duration of the revenue-sharing period.
AI-Powered Sticker Search
Telegram has enhanced its sticker search functionality with a custom AI model, enabling complex searches with multiple keywords. Users can type phrases like "cat drinking coffee" to receive instant results from over 40,000 stickers in Telegram's official packs. This feature supports multiple languages and extends to emoji searches for premium users.
Collage Creation in Stories
Adding to the creative features, Telegram now allows users to create collages in Stories, combining up to six photos or videos in various layouts. Users can add media from their gallery or camera and adjust the composition by rearranging or deleting tiles as needed. This feature aims to offer a versatile storytelling tool that enhances the visual appeal of user-generated content.
Other Enhancements
In addition to these major updates, Telegram has introduced a new feature that allows users to move captions above media in chats with a simple tap, enhancing the user experience in media-rich conversations. These updates reflect Telegram's commitment to providing user-friendly and innovative features that cater to the diverse needs of its global user base.
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